President’s Corner
TelCoa thanks U.S. Representatives Jim Himes, Rosa DeLauro, and Elizabeth Esty for introducing the Multi-State Worker Tax Fairness Act, H.R. 4085, 113th Congress. We strongly support this crucial legislation. The bill would finally eliminate the telecommuter tax, a steep penalty often resulting in double taxation of income that interstate telecommuters earn at home. The telecommuter tax unfairly burdens telecommuters and their employers and limits telework adoption. Congress must make the Multi-State Worker Tax Fairness Act law! TelCoa and other advocates are working to secure the bill’s enactment, but we need your help! >>> Read More...
Guest Columnist
4 Great Examples of Telework’s Impact by: Brie Weiler Reynolds As champions of telecommuting and flexible work options for all, we certainly don’t have to tell TelCoa readers about the benefits of telework--we all know and love them. But as organizations like ours work to spread awareness of, and support for, flexible ways of working, it’s really important to remember the individuals for whom we work--the millions of professionals whose lives would be positively impacted by more access to telework and flexible jobs. At 1 Million for Work Flexibility, we hear daily from supporters about why they support the expansion of flexible work options for all. Here are four great examples of why work flexibility, including telework, is vitally important to individuals, to companies, and to society. >>> Read the entire blog at...
Hot Topics & Links
"Working from home not for everyone, but it can still be a 'win-win' for many workers and employers" is an article in the Cleveland Plain Dealer featuring TelCoa President Chuck Wilsker and Advisory Board member Diane Stegmeier. For the complete article, > click-here... -------------------------

Debra A. Dinnocenzo

Debra A. Dinnocenzo is president of VirtualWorks!, a provider of learning resources for people in the virtual workplace. The firm specializes in telework, virtual teams, and work-life balance and helps people lead more productive and balanced lives. VirtualWorks! offers consulting services on telework, virtual teams, and virtual leadership, as well as a spectrum of training programs to support implementation of remote work arrangements.

A seasoned senior executive with more than two decades of corporate and academic experience, Dinnocenzo has an extensive background in sales and marketing. She is a nationally recognized expert in the field of telework and a frequent speaker at national conferences on virtual workplace and work-life balance issues. She is often quoted in the media and is widely published on virtual work strategies and techniques. Dinnocenzo is the author of “How to Lead from a Distance,“ published in 2006 by Walk the Talk Co. She is also author of “101 Tips for Telecommuters” and co-author of “Dot Calm: The Search for
Sanity in a Wired World,” both published by Berrett-Koehler Publishers in San Francisco. Dinnocenzo is also editor of the book, “Working Too Much Can Make You Grumpy,” published by Mancini-M’Clintock Press.

An active member of her community, Dinnocenzo is involved in numerous community service organizations. Additionally, she has served on the board of directors of the national AAA (American Automobile Association); is vice chairman of East Central AAA and a member of the governing board; serves on the board of trustees of University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Passavant Hospital; and is a member of the board of directors of the Passavant Hospital Foundation. Dinnocenzo serves as an instructor in the special studies program at Chautauqua Institution and holds an adjunct faculty position with Duquesne University where she is delivers an online course, “Leadership in the Virtual Workplace.” In 1997 Dinnocenzo was awarded runner-up honors in the Home Sweet Home-Office Contest sponsored by Sales & Marketing Management magazine.

Dinnocenzo holds Bachelor of Science and Masters of Arts degrees in Management from Central Michigan University. She lives near Pittsburgh, PA with her husband and business partner, Rick Swegan, and their daughter.

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